It’s a question that keeps coming up “to not get old, what kind of food supplement should be taken to be good and not harmful to health?”
First of all, let’s summarize the basics which must be practiced every day. To begin with, diet. Next, exercise 30-45 minutes a day, at least 3 days a week. Then, drink at least 1.5 – 2 liters of pure, clean water every day. Moreover, controlling blood pressure, diabetes, and stress via activities you enjoy, such as singing, reading, playing sports, gardening, listening to music, watching concerts, and receiving relaxing massages. Finally, supplementing with dietary supplements requires supplying all systems from the brain, such as pregninolone 50-100 mg once daily. Once a day, take eye supplements like vitamin C, E, and selenium, and twice a day, take heart supplements like CoQ10. Take a joint-nourishing supplement twice a day. Take DHEA 25-50 milligrams per day for men. Take melatonin 0.5 – 1 milligrams per day, calcium 1,000 – 1,500 milligrams per day, magnesium 1-2 times per day, take antioxidants such as SOD, OPC, glutathione, or another alpha-lipoic acid. With these dietary supplements, if still unsure, consult a doctor in anti-aging medicine to advise or help choose first. An aged lady may benefit from estrogen, progesterone, calcium, and other supplements.
Before the author came to study science on anti-aging. The author never believed the stories about these supplements or vitamins, but after starting to study and come in contact with individuals who have faced serious symptoms which modern medicine sometimes can treat at a certain point. However, when supplementing treatment, it was found that many patients had clearly improved symptoms. Many of the author’s friends have participated in the anti-aging program and have discovered the magic for themselves. Some people have sex problems because their penises are not erect. But after entering the program, symptoms improved. This is because hormones are stimulated to higher levels, so sexual performance returns like a young man. It was also found that many people had noticeably improved memory. Some people have bright-skinned faces, and their beauty and bright skin are the visible results from the fact that the condition inside the body has clearly improved.
Dietary supplements are increasingly regarded as crucial to the health of our cells and the efficient functioning of our cells. Minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and hormones must be abundant in cells. As a result, the body has developed immunity. Cancer can be avoided. People, on the other hand, become older. Although nutritional absorption is decreased, this might be related to thyroid gland malfunction (Subconical Hypothyroidism). Furthermore, due to the toxic environment, including numerous food modification procedures, the food we consume nowadays has a significant amount of vitamin breakdown, making a supplement required. Individuals who should be taking the supplement include people with chronic fatigue syndrome, not active, insomnia, memory loss, allergies, hair loss, diabetes, high blood pressure. Also, people with Hyperlipidemia, chronic colds, short attention span, stress, little rest, people who like sweet food, grilled food, fried food, people who have to work long hours at the desk, or even people who are healthy. or athletes, but wanting maximum performance can supplement these vitamins.
Nowadays, most people still prefer to buy food supplements by themselves. They believe that it’s economical and believed to be beneficial to health. However, it is recommended that you do your research on the pros and cons of these supplements and, where possible, consult a specialist who can advise you on supplementation.
ที่มา พญ. อัญรัตน์ ตั้งกิจงามวงศ์
เวชศาสตร์ชะลอวัย เล่ม 1 (พิมพ์ครั้งที่ 4) จากพื้นฐานสู่แนวปฏิบัติ
(Anti Aging Medicine Vol. 1 (4th Edition) Basic to Practical), -กรุงเทพ: อมรินทร์พริ้นติ้งแอนด์พับลิชชิ่ง, 2564
หน้า 159 – 163
Translated by Phakaporn Silaphakul